Monday, September 24, 2007

birthday :)

today my daughter turned 6 years :D
i cant believe how fast time is flying.
this morning around 10 o'clock we went to bring a cake to betis kindergarten group. they were singing and saying verses for her.
then it was time for her to blow out the candles...

but the flames would appear again. they were special ones ;) so in the end all kids came to help. later back home she was all excited to open her presents, which she first had to find, hehe. she had so much fun.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

some more pix

somehow i cant get the big picture of the earrings to open when u click on the image here in the post :'(
can anyone help???

anyway, i have this idea of a business with me doing and selling jewelry. i know.. whoever knows me... it sounds crazy... me and business... lol. but i really love creating beautiful things, seeing how they take form and finally to see them underline peoples beauty :)
and guess what. i just finished attending a business seminar. now i've got all tools necessary in my hands to get started with my idea. mhh, only thing missing is me believing i can do it ;) but fear not.. i'm working on it... lol.

Welcome to my blog

hi there.
i would like to share some pictures of my jewelry that im making. for now i'm selling them only at home. feel free to contact me on any question or comments u have.